Shipping Policy

We strive to provide you with top-notch products and services. Our dedicated Customer Care team will be in touch with you within 3 working days to coordinate the delivery and installation of your order.


Delivery Arrangements


We'll ensure your order reaches your specified address promptly. Please ensure someone is available to receive the delivery. While we strive to reach every location, WingShing reserves the right to refuse delivery to inaccessible areas. Currently, no delivery service shall be available for Ma Wan, Discovery Bay, and outlying islands. For delivery to Tung Chung or locations without elevator service, delivery surcharges shall be paid upon ordering.


Installation Services


For products requiring installation, our trained staff will handle the assembly. Please ensure adequate and safe space is provided for assembly, along with access to power if required. Our installation team prioritizes safety and may decline assembly if conditions are deemed unsafe.


Delivery and Installation Timelines


While we aim to adhere to specified delivery and installation dates, unforeseen circumstances may necessitate changes. In such cases, we'll promptly notify you of any alterations.


Additional Charges


WingShing reserves the right to levy additional charges under certain circumstances, such as:

  • Unwarranted waiting time to accept delivery and/or affects our other scheduled deliveries
  • Your failure to take or accept delivery on the scheduled delivery date.
  • Rescheduling delivery after failed attempt to deliver
  • Delivery address is not easily accessible or no legal unloading areas within 50 meters of the building

Shipping Delays


Due to increased demand, slight delays in shipments are expected, with an approximate delay of 20-25 working days. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience as we work diligently to fulfill all orders promptly.


Exceptional Circumstances


In cases of severe weather warnings or acts of god, delivery may be postponed. Our Customer Care team will promptly reschedule deliveries for the next suitable date.


If you believe you've received the incorrect product, please contact customer service within 24 hours of receipt.